Wednesday, June 23, 2010

*Sings* Geek Dreams are made of these...

Thought I'd share a dream I had recently... know when you have one of those dreams where it involves you trying desperately to outrun some kind of killer or monster that's after you, and though you try to run, you end up running in slow motion, or you just can't move at all?...Yeah...I have those dreams quite a bit...only in THIS particular slumber, a much Nerdier version of that same dream came forth from the deepest, geekiest abyss in my mind...

In this Nightmare, I was desperately trying to play some unknown Videogame, (I recall it being like a First Person Shooter) and if I failed, something bad was going to "Crossing the Streams" bad.

However, my actions were greatly hindered, because the Controls to this Videogame were absolutely HORRENDOUS! (Like Zelda CD-I horrendous) It was very tense and frightful, just like the running dreams...of course, as a result of the lousy Controls, I was unsuccessful couldn't escape the danger that was looming! I don't remember exactly what type of punishment was in store for me for my failure...I just remember waking up after the "game" ended.

It was such a nerdy Nightmare that I half-expected to find the severed head of Yoshi on the pillow next to me. Normally I'm pretty disturbed by the nightmares I have, but this one actually left me laughing. =P

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