I'm finally drawing again, for the first time in what seems like a year! I don't know exactly what set me off, but I don't care either! I'm just happy that I'm doing it again...I didn't realize how much I missed it until I started doing it again...anyways, this piece is my loving tribute to one of my favorite games, Zelda II: The Adventures of Link. This was one of my absolute favorite games growing up. Anywho, this is my depiction of Princess Zelda the First, who was cursed into an eternal sleep for refusing to reveal the location of the Triforce to a wicked Sorcerer. Her grief-stricken brother, the Prince, had her placed in a secret room within the castle, and then decreed that all Females born into the Royal family would be named "Zelda" in his sister's memory. I suppose you could say this is from Link's P.O.V after Impa removes the magic barrier and reveals the Sleeping Zelda to him. As for the character design, I gave her a more updated look, but while keeping a little bit to the original design (Pink dress, reddish brown hair) Here's the original art from the Instruction Booklet:

ReplyDeleteNo había visto esa ilustración de ZELDA!
Sono ZERUDA no Ei Mirukoto deha arimasendeshita!!
I haven't seen that ZELDA illustration before.
I mean yours...
You really do that on MS paint?
Isn't a PAINT in the buttocks?