Sunday, July 29, 2012

DO NOT WAAAAANT!!! (Originaly post in 2011) has come to my attention that the release of "Return of the Jedi" on Blue Ray will feature Darth Vader's unintentionally hilarious "NNoooOOooooOOoo", played when he throws the Emperor over the bridge....

I can't even begin to convey how much sense this does NOT make!!!  WHY?!?!  What possible significant connection does it have with that scene?!!  Maybe he was thinking that it would be a semi-flashback to when the Emperor told Emokin of Panda-Bear's death, creating a sort of, "I let Panda die, I won't let my son die too!" or something like that.....BUT WHY?!?!  THE SCENE WAS PERFECT THE WAY IT WAS!!!  (As was every moment in the original, unedited versions)
And furthermore, WHY would George Lucas include the moment that has been relentlessly, remorselessly parodied more than any Star Wars moment?!?!
That's it.  The only thing I can come up with is that George Lucas....simply hates his fans.  That's IT!  What other possible reason could exist?  Yes, it could just be prideful insanity, but again, even George Lucas knows how much fans hated that scene in Revenge of the Sith.  So, my conclusion is that he is simply saying, "Okay, you didn't like my remakes, OR my prequels.  Well fuck you all!  Now I'm just doing this out of spite."

The shit-eating grin of a true nerferder.

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