Sunday, July 29, 2012

My LEAST favorite videogame level...

When asked about my least favorite video game level, this one instantly comes to mind...

I'll never forget the first time we popped this guy into our NES.  The second that title screen appeared and the kickass music started playing, our excitement could hardly be contained.  What a freaking cool intro/story!  You play as one (or two if you have a friend) of 3 Toads who are off to rescue their third companion and a Princess from an evil are lowered into the first level from a giant Spaceship, and instantly the beat-em-up action begins...
 You fight various enemies with your Toady fists, which cartoonishly grow in size the more punches you land.  The same happens if you kick as well...such a cool and fun beginning to what we thought would be an amazing adventure.

And then...

The 3rd level comes along, and things start to get a little bit hard...but that's how videogames work, right?  The more levels you complete, the more the difficulty increases.  Sounds fair, right?

Until...THOSE FUCKING HOVER BIKES!!!  That's it.  You may as well turn off the game now.  The programers apparently decided at that point that fairness and balance no longer apply, and they no longer wish for player to succeed. 

Hour after hour passed.  With every agonized attempt, a piece of our souls died, splattered like the little Toady guts on the walls that continuously ended any hope of succeeding...and success was never obtained, even to this day.

Rumors and theories eventually made themselves known, proclaiming that Rare, or some company that may have been representing Rare were in cahoots with Video stores across America...PURPOSEFULLY making this game next to impossible, so determined kids would be suckered into renting it over, and over again.

That's downright evil...but it worked.  My siblings and I rented this game over and over, trying relentlessly to beat this damn level, but to no avail...what's worse is that supposedly, this level is cake compared to the levels ahead...I wouldn't know, because I NEVER FUCKING MADE IT THAT FAR!!!!!!

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