Anyways…Why Flynn? Why not Prince Phillip or the Prince from Snow White and Cinderella (Did they even have a name???) Well, for example, Aladdin is shown as a sweetheart and a nice guy from the beginning, while Flynn’s sweet side takes a bit of coaxing to show, and when it does, he becomes more endearing. Prince Eric is very good looking and all, but…just so bland to me…maybe it’s because of so/so voice acting, I dunno…but he just isn’t that memorable to me, while Flynn was loaded with personality and depth. Prince Phillip, Prince Foot-Fetish and Prince Necrophilia-Man (I don’t know what else to call them) are just your typical story-book heroes, which is fine, but again, not much more to it than that. Perhaps simple is best, but this is MY list, after all. ^_^ Now, the Beast…I liked him a LOT better when he was the Beast…(Okay, NOT insinuating that Belle should commit bestiality) I don’t know…to me, he just sort of lost his charm and interesting qualities when he became human.
Flynn started off as an awesome character, and just got better throughout the entire film. I loved how the him and Rapunzel was very much like a ‘Han and Leia’ scenario, “The Scoundrel and the Princess”, if you will. (And I think you’d all agree with me that Flynn would have shot Greedo first…but I digress.) He starts off as a smug jerk, even trying to coerce Rapunzel into going back to the tower with fear-tactics by taking her to the ‘Snuggly Duckling’. But as he gets to know Rapunzel a bit better, he too begins to open up, and we find out that there is more to Flynn than we realize…he is actually unsatisfied with who he really is, never telling his real name to anyone, hiding his sweet, sensitive side in favor of the tough, arrogant persona and pretty much masquerading through life as “Flynn Rider”. Then Flynn becomes Eugene, and the true hero in him emerges. He’s about to get executed for stealing the Princess’s crown, but he’s more concerned with Rapunzel’s safety. He’s actually the only Disney Prince (I don’t include Hercules, as he’s not exactly a “Prince”) that comes to mind who actually sacrifices himself to save the Princess. Yes, the Beast got wounded fighting Gaston, but Flynn actually has a CHANCE to save his own life by letting Rapunzel heal him…and he chooses her freedom instead. It’s a beautiful, heartbreaking moment. But as is the case in most disney films, love triumphs, and Eugene is healed. He has become a better man, though he definitely keeps his sense of humor, (“After years and years and years of asking, I said “yes”)
So that’s my take on it…do what you will with it. ^_^
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